Journal of Engineering Design and

Computational Science

Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

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Emotinally Intelligent Chatbot

Shubham Kokane, Shreeyash Khalate, Shreya Newale, Sakshi Dubewar
An emotionally intelligent chatbot system aims to make an effective conversation between humans and machines in as natural and interactive manner as possible. The chatbot agent has pre-embedded knowledge base to identify the sentences, intents, entities and context of the input query to be precise for making a valid, predictable decision itself as a self-generated response to answer the query. The present technical project consists of developing an intelligent system for college enquiry purposes using a web-based chatbot agent, through machine learning, query processing and sentiment and emotion classification system to analyze the sentiment of the visitor towards the college. Emotionally Intelligent College Enquiry Chatbot System is nothing but chatbot to under- stand the user queries and respond to it during a conversation. Chatbot can actively help human to involve in a digital automated conversation with a machine or a system with effective. In the following proposed system, feature extraction and data cleaning techniques are applied on the dataset and classifiers such as multinomial naive bayes, logistic regression and k nearest neighbors are used to train the model. The classifier with highest accuracy is further used for emotion classification of users.