Journal of Engineering Design and

Computational Science

Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

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Design and fabrication of sensor module on flexible PCB using UV film

Ujwal Shirode, Prakash Sontakke, Om Pande,Vishalakshi Rahane, Rashi Rathi
A commercially available option for confirming the shape of a wearable system, supporting electronic sensing and flexible connectivity is a flexible PCB that employs UV technology. Flexible electronics and sensors are a crucial enabling technology for the creation of wearable and geometry adaptive devices, which is in line with the current trends towards Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IOT). In this study, a novel method for creating a printed circuit board that is incredibly thin and flexible (PCB) is presented. Active and passive electronic components are increasingly integrated within the printed circuit board itself which becomes more than a mere support for components. The printed circuit board is evolving to become a central supporting element in solving construction problems in electronics. Flexible PCBs were initially designed as a replacement for traditional wire harnesses. In conclusion, the manufactured sensor shows good flexibility, excellent sensitivity, finishing and ability to match various applications for flexible sensors. However, alongside the increasing innovative applications, flexible-circuit technology will provide product design which increases functionality, improves circuit density, provides higher connectivity, better environmental performance, lower cost and flexible circuitry using UV film. Also fabrication of the proposed sensor on a flexible PCB will be done using UV exposure and parametric analysis of the fabricated sensor will be done. Flexible PCB lowers the cost of wire connectivity by 70 % and electric interconnection by 65%