Journal of Engineering Design and

Computational Science

Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

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Smart Attendance System using RFID

Heramb Kulkarni, Avinash Devang, Jayesh Rathod
Most of the institutional authorities are troubled with the cumbersome method of maintaining manual attendance of their employees. The manual process of signing on a paper is prolonged and insecure. An efficient attendance monitoring system needs to be enforced at such places. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based attendance system provides us with a solution that caters to issues like proxy attendance. This paper describes the design of an RFID based attendance monitoring system which uniquely identifies each employee/student based on their RFID tag which is attached to their ID card. This makes the mechanism of recording the attendance effortless, quicker and protected as compared to conventional method. This system is designed to be used at different educational institutions, corporate offices, government offices etc. The proposed system consists of both hardware and software components based on IoT Technology. The hardware component consists of RC522 RFID card reader and RFID tags/cards. The software used here is database for storing the record of the students. The employees or students just need to place their RFID card or tag on the reader and their attendance will be recorded for the day. Also, the attendance recorded will be more accurate as the system is synced with a real-time clock