Journal of Engineering Design and

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Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

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Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning

Rutuja Kumbhar, Ashwini Waghmare, Madhuri Suryawanshi , Dr. S.N.Randive
Forecasting the estimated worth of a company's monetary stocks is the aim of stock market prediction. A recent development for stock market forecasting technology is the application of machine learning, which generates projections based on the stock market indexes' most recent values after training on their previous values.The process of machine learning uses a variety of models to facilitate and validate prediction. The application of machine learning methods based on LSTM and regression to forecast stock values is the major focus of the study. However, the impact of stock markets on the economies of different countries may be different from one another. This is owing to the fact that the impact of stock markets on the economy is dependent on a variety of factors, including the structure of stock exchanges, how they interact with other components of the financial system, and the governance system of the country. Since each of these elements varies for each nation, so does the effect of stock markets on each nation's economy. The Indian capital market system has experienced large, fundamental institutional reforms over the years, which have reduced transaction costs and greatly increased efficiency, transparency, and safety. Through stock markets, all these changes have facilitated the growth of the economy. Investment methods for the stock market are intricate and dependent on the analysis of enormous volumes of data. As academics strive to discover whether they might improve market predictions over more traditional approaches, machine learning techniques have been under closer scrutiny lately."