Journal of Engineering Design and

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Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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Smart Garbage Segregation and Dustbin Level Indicator

Manali Bhalerao, Sayali Rane, Shruti Londhe
Cities, and towns, home to over half of humanity are generating 80% of the world's GDP, and are in the front of the global waste challenge. In India, 0.1 million tonnes of garbage is generated every day, and 62 million tonnes of garbage every year and this is municipal solid waste. According to the report, only 33% of the municipal waste is managed which is environmentally safe. Developing nations of Asia and Africa have the major issue of waste management and most of the waste ends up in dumping and landfills. According to the 2018 project report rapid urbanization, population growth, and economic development are the reasons for the rapid growth in the garbage, and this can increase 70% of the total garbage in the next 30 years.