Journal of Engineering Design and

Computational Science

Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

A Peer Reviewed/Referred

Open Access Journal

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Respirator For Patient with Variable BPM & Oximeter

Chinmay Kulkarni, Chirag Pakhare, Manali Patil
The article describes the development of a cost effective, automated portable respirator that delivers breaths using a conventional ambu bag that eliminates the need of a human operator. It’s a portable mechanical ventilator that delivers breathing using a standard ambu bag. The paper shows that this design can be utilized for mass casualty cases such as covid-19 in recent scenario and other poor resource environments. This system firstly measures the oxygen levels of the patient and accordingly the user can set a particular value through breath per length and breath per minute nodes, these values are preset for a certain amount of oxygen levels and should be accordingly set while using hence to take the maximum benefit of the model. In addition, the system includes a pressure sensor to measure the overall pressure within the system so as to provide more vital information regarding a patient’s health. After all, values are set as per standard requirements for machine according to which the motor within the system gets activated through microcontroller making ambu bag press, and providing the necessary air to the patient.