Journal of Engineering Design and

Computational Science

Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal

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ISSN : 2583-5165

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Robust Face Recognition based on VGGNet

Piyush Ingale, Divyashri Desale, and , Rajni Kanse
Face recognition has recently received significant attention as one of most successful applications of image analysis and understanding. There are many reasons for growing interest in face recognition has a rising concern for public security, identity verification. There is a need for face analysis and modelling techniques in the data management and digital entertainment. In the face recognition we are facing challenges like pose variation, variation in illumination, occlusion problem in the face. To deal with all these problems we present face recognition based on VGG16 deep learning model. For the experimentation we have use real time database of images. The performance of proposed method is evaluated on the basis of cross validation accuracy and it has shown better performance compared to previous one